An Exclusive Publisher Network

Where Thinking Technologies Generate Leads and Revenue

Publishers: Monetize your web traffic instantly with AI-Based Optimization & High Paying Offers

Plus get the email address of your unknown web visitors with our Smart Recognition Technology. Higher paying offers with AI-based solutions that make you more money than any other provider, period. Try us and see for yourself!

“We recently started using Smart CoReg to help monetize our lead generation. In the first month, we used it, it helped us double our upfront rev per lead compared to the other two platforms we used.  It has helped us grow to a 150% day 1 ROAS, and let us scale.”  –

Advertisers: Grow your Email List of Subscribers faster than any other platform, plus Smart Recognition!

Advertisers can Bid for the Live Click each time their offer is selected, plus have the option to have a Reinforcement Email of your offer sent to your new subscriber instantly upon submission with open rates exceeding 50% and higher! Plus, your account includes:
Smart Recognition 

“Smart CoReg has successfully helped us to secure quality leads that are different from other lead services we have used in the past. They are leads that are ready to purchase in our industry therefore the ROI is almost immediate.” –

New Publishers

New Advertisers

AI Based Placements

Smart Technology places your offer in front of subscribers who are much more likely to respond to your offer, this investment in AI Algorithms pays off for our Advertisers in ROI, and our Publishers in EPI, and enables us to generate a much higher volume of leads. 

S.M.A.R.T. Use of Psychology & Technology

  • Specific Offers
  • Measurable Results
  • Attainable Optimization
  • Relevant Changes
  • Timely Fashion

100% Payouts at the Start!

Smart Technology monetizes each impression that your subscribers get, making each impression the most profitable to you generating higher EPI than our competitors and other platforms, not to mention that for NEW Publishers we pay are paying out 100% of revenue! Smart Technology using AI Algorithms to optimize each subscriber from your site, one impression at a time, every time!  

S.M.A.R.T. Use of Psychology & Technology

  • Specific Offers
  • Measurable Results
  • Attainable Optimization
  • Relevant Changes
  • Timely Fashion

*Available to both Publishers & Advertisers

Get Emails of Your Unknown Visitors

Our recognition software looks to identify each visitor to your website by reading the visitor’s device fingerprint and comparing that fingerprint to our extensive network of clients, partners, properties, and databases of opt-in email submissions. When a match is identified to an email that you currently do not have, we instantly post the email via API directly to you, enter them into your ESP or CRM, or you can download the emails from our platform. Every email is passed through 4 different cleaners and can even be fully integrated with Inbox Mailers.

Enabling you to compliantly target and acquire email addresses of hot, targeted leads at a much higher rate, changing your lead generation, media buying, and revenue metrics faster than other efforts! 

We can recognize your unknown visitors from their visits to other sites
Inbox Mailers

Inbox Mailers

Send when your new subscriber enters their inbox...

We are in partnership with Inbox Mailers!
We enable brands with ability to know when subscribers are in their inbox while triggering an
email that generates a 50% – 70%+ Open Rate with no degradation in the click-to-open percentage or in your revenue per click, generating much more revenue per send! Connect your account here!

Let us show you how to increase your email results substantially, in deliverability, inboxing, engagement, reactivating your unengaged list, and most importantly = revenue! Watch how it works here.